Coming Home

It’s happened. I have a new home. For now – and perhaps indefinitely – you can find me at: The Stars and Rainbows Journal Hope to see you there, I’ll be in the kitchen making us some cups of tea…

Weekend Coffee Share

Hello, friend, Where to begin? There are thoughts swirling around my brain constantly at the moment, whilst I’m in a season of heightened busyness and processing. Over the past week alone, there have been multiple occasions wherein I’ve felt the pull to write…but life kept on rolling, enveloping me each time. Now, it is Sunday,…

The Changing Seasons

“The more things seem to change, the more they stay the same” – Put Your Records On, Corinne Bailey Rae August in London has been fairly cold, interjected with some pockets of warmer times. The chill that has been present on some days has prompted a look ahead to the next season, the gorgeously golden…

The 100 Day Project (Part 2)

(Part 1 can be found here!) This summer has been full of adventures…and amongst it all, I managed to finish the 100 Day Project, yet neglected to continue posting about it on here – oops! The finishing line was reached at some point in July, and the photos are still inching towards 100 on Instagram…

Stepping into 28

This time last week, I was beside the sea. This time tomorrow, I will be beside the sea (a different sea). Right now, I am sitting in front of a computer, typing these words, at home in London. It is my last day as a 27-year-old. Life lately has been tumultuous, with days – and…

The 100 Day Project (Part 1)

Since April 4th, I’ve been taking part in #the100dayproject. It is a global art project, where you do something creative every day for 100 days. A bigger, better explanation can be found here. In the weeks leading up to the first day of the project, I knew I wanted and needed something to do that was…

Weekend Coffee Share

Hello, friend. If we were having coffee right now, you would likely be laughing at me, for I have red paint all over my hands. I would tell you that I’d just been painting some lyrics for today’s #the100dayproject – and I would excitedly tell you about this project (possibly with a slight hint of…

Clearing by Martha Postlewaite

Do not try to save the whole world or do anything grandiose. Instead, create a clearing in the dense forest of your life and wait there patiently, until the song that is your life falls into your own cupped hands and you recognize and greet it. Only then will you know how to give yourself…

Friday Biz Updates

“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.”  – Ralph Waldo Emerson  With the year coming to an end, many of us have been thinking about the new year and the directions we are going to take. 2017 is going to be a…

Goodbye, November

Well…the end is nigh. Today is the last day of November, and with it comes the end of (this year’s, at least) NanoPoblano and NaBloPoMo. The first day – Welcome November – seems far away, yet I can’t quite believe that it is December tomorrow. What a year it has been. What a month it…

I Will Follow

…anywhere that you tell me to.  I’m falling down a rabbit hole of thoughts at the moment; most of today I’ve been writing them down on pieces of paper that quickly covered my desk. Sometimes when you are making decisions, random but relevant sparks of inspiration can be found everywhere. Perhaps it is because most…

The Road Less Travelled

Starting late last year, I researched and made a list of books that would help me to heal; or rather, books that would help me to move on from the pain of 2015. Books that could potentially help me to grow. Essentially, self-help books (and a few others). One of them – which took me…